Saturday, July 21, 2012

The true hero rises

At the end of a long day, the final news resonated in homes around the world: 12 lives were lost in the Colorado tragedy and several more are still in the hospital. The man who entered the theater with guns fully loaded told police later he was there as "The Joker." 
Christopher Nolan, the filmmaker whose Batman trilogy concludes with "Dark Knight Rises," responded to the connection and the event in a statement:
“Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community..."
"... I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theater is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me.”
On a personal note, my sister is in the film business and I know that like Christopher Nolan, she has a special place for the theater. She is working in Hollywood around the likes of Nolan and many more. But more importantly she lost a friend in the shooting. She attended high school with him, he spent time in our home and she found out about his loss just this evening.

I love movies, my career is driven by the media and my family is inspired by music. Entertainment is a huge part of my life, but it raises a big dilemma. Here are the questions I raise to you:

1) How do you find a balance between entertainment and real life?
2) How do you teach and define that balance in your own home?
3) Do you think movies characterizing heroes and villains are inherently good or bad for society?


  1. As we talked as a family today - about the incident, about mothers, and the call to action to teach the value of righteousness in the world - I was reminded of a poem by William R. Wallace “For the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world.”
    It is so clear that mother's are the ones we turn to at a time like this, they are the grievers, the supporters, the lovers and most importantly our friends.
    I feel the pain of loss for a friend who lost his life, I feel that pain for his family and closest friends. I also feel for the mother of the shooter, as I can't even imagine heartbreak she is experiencing. At least I hope that she is experiencing.
    Something has got to change in the world, and I believe it starts with us.

  2. Entertainment has probably been around since the beginning of time. Ancient history gives us insight into the purpose and use of music, dance, comedy, and theater throughout the ages. I embrace and applaud the arts.

    I recall being reminded that the stunt cowboy who was shot at an Old Tucson gunfight was really just an actor and he really didn't get hurt. I was relieved for his safety, but I was also taught the difference between entertainment and reality. And even though I probably played with cap guns and had gun fights to emulate the action-packed entertainment, I never did so with malice or anger.

    Acting out characters and fantasies are part of childhood and shouldn't be suppressed. What needs to be recognized and controlled is our anger and desire to harm others. This is a moral issue, but I believe it stands as common ground across most moral value systems. Regardless of religion; regardless of race; regardless of ethnicity; regardless of age; regardless of education, may we all make sure that we are teaching self-control and respect for others.

  3. What I LOVE about literature and theater is how they are able to bring characters and stories to life in such a real way! It is incredible. I recently joined a book club. I may not be excited about every piece we read but I enjoy each in some way. I have come to realize my favorites are the ones that depict all the characters as a mixture of good and bad. Where even the villain has a soft loving side and the hero some flaws. I guess Shrek described himself well as an "onion." I want my children to realize on some level at some point that even their hero isn't perfect and to learn to have compassion for the villain.
